How to cook Yogurtlu bulgur koftesi ?
Yogurtlu bulgur koftesi or bulgur meatballs with yogurt is a typical dish from the Turkish hinterland. It is one of those dishes that reminds us of our Asian origins in the steppes. The use of yogurt takes us directly back to our Asian past.
Yogurtlu bulgur koftesi or bulgur meatballs with yogurt, despite the elaborate name, is a very simple dish to make.
The ingredients to prepare Yogurtlu bulgur koftesi
Here are the ingredients to prepare Yogurtlu bulgur koftesi, use a glass as a measuring cup.
- 2 glasses of fine bulgur wheat (bulgur can be found in hypermarkets or in some Turkish shops)
- 2 glasses of hot water
- 1 egg
- 1 glass of white flour
- salt
- mix of pepper, cumin and mint
- yogurt (to taste and to the eye, the yogurt must cover the meatballs in the final presentation)
- 2 cloves of garlic
How to make yoghurt bulgur meatballs
First, let’s boil plenty of salted water.
In a bowl, pour the bulgur and cover it with hot water for 5 minutes. In the meantime, beat the yogurt with the minced garlic and keep it in the fridge.
After 5 minutes, add the egg and spices and knead. Then, add the flour and knead again.
Now we need to create the meatballs, which must be about the size of a walnut. Once all the meatballs have been prepared, we put them in hot and salty water.
On this point I must insist, on the fact that the salt water must absolutely be boiling for a while, if we want to avoid getting a puree.
When they rise to the surface, it means that they are cooked (depending on the size it takes about 8-10 minutes). We drain them and place them on a serving dish.
We leave the yogurt with the beaten garlic from the fridge and cover the yogurt meatballs.
Then, melt some butter in the microwave and pour it over the yogurt.
Those who want it can decorate with a few fresh mint leaves. I prefer eating it with nothing but butter! The taste created with this dish is truly unique and inimitable. Only the Turks have managed to use yogurt in the kitchen with so much skill and harmonic balance.