How to cook Iskender kebap recipe
Homemade Iskender kebap recipe
In this period, more than ever, I wanted to offer you a recipe capable of making you forget everything. In my opinion, it is the homemade Iskender kebap recipe. In my case, it’s a recipe for nostalgia. When I think about my childhood, my family, Turkey and France, I start cooking.
So, here is the recipe for a homemade iskender kebap. Eating an iskender kebap is like going out to dinner in Turkey! Wonderful! It is a bit of a long process, since it starts the night before. Of course, you must also provide some pide bread to accompany this dish.
To prepare the meat, you will need these ingredients:
- 1 kg of minced beef
- 60 gr of a mix of spices (cumin, mint, parsley and paprika)
- Salt to taste.
- Pepper as needed.
- 1 natural yogurt (in my case, I use the Greek version)
- To prepare the sauce (which will be used at the end of our dish):40 gr of tomato paste
- 150 gr butter
For the side dish, provide plenty of pide bread and an abundant supply of yogurt
How to prepare Iskender kebab
The meat must be prepared the night before. Then we mix all the ingredients in a bowl. We knead well and divide the dough into two sausages. We wrap each of them in the film, squeezing as much as possible in order to harden it. Then we put them in the freezer until the next day.
The next day, we have to prepare the pide bread, which will be cut into squares after it’s cooked.
We take the meat out of the freezer half an hour before cooking it and cut it into very thin slices.
To prepare the sauce, in a saucepan, melt the butter and add the tomato paste, cook for about 2 minutes. We add salt and keep stirring.
Meanwhile, in a non-stick pan, we must cook the meat in butter, stirring often and gently, to avoid crushing the slices of meat. Be careful, the fire must be strong enough to roast the meat. I advise you to cook one side without turning, until it is roasted well and then turn only once.
We place the bread, previously cut, in a single dish or in individual dishes. The cooked meat will be placed on the bread. If there is any cooking butter left, you can pour it over the bread before placing the meat.
In a bowl, we beat the yogurt with a little salt to create a sauce which, in turn, will go on the meat (I add a little mayonnaise for my daughters, because they prefer it this way, while I stay faithful to the yogurt.).
The sauce stored before will be poured on the yogurt cream. Then we will get the overlap of bread, meat, yogurt cream and sauce.
You can accompany this already rich dish with rice pilav, or with potato chips.
When I prepare this recipe for my dad, he always asks me for melted butter to pour over the yogurt, instead of butter and tomato paste. Not only that, he prefers French fries in a side dish… did I mention that he usually gets pampered!
My daughters love this delicious recipe. Getting them to eat the meat becomes child’s play!