How to cook kuru fasülye ?
How to make kuru fasülye or white beans
How to make kuru fasülye or white beans. This dish is a great classic of our Turkish cuisine. There is no house where she doesn’t prepare regularly, mine included.
Every now and then I add some stew meat, with the addition of potatoes. Everyone in the house loves it. I often also prepare pirinç pilavı (https://www.ilsalottoturco.com/il-pirinc-pilavi-una-meraviglia-di-semplicita/), which together with this soup, becomes a real delight that makes me go back to childhood and the old flavours of Turkish cuisine.
The ingredients
- Here are the ingredients to prepare kuru fasülye or white beans.
- 250 gr of white beans (for 3-5 people)
- 30 gr of butter
- 60 gr of oil
- 1/2 golden onion into slices
- 1 clove of minced garlic
- 1 carrot
- 150 gr of meat for stew or lamb (if you want to make a complete dish)
- 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
- 150 grams of tomato puree (I don’t always use it)
- salt
- pepper
As with all dried legumes, we put the beans to soak overnight. The next day we drain the beans and put them in a large pot to bring to a boil. We lower the heat and let the beans cook for about an hour, an hour and a half. When the foam is created on the surface, remove the foam and continue cooking it.
As soon as they are cooked, we drain them and set them aside. In the pot, heat the butter and half of the oil, add the onion, garlic, carrot cut into slices and cook for 5 minutes.
If you want to add some meat, this is where you can do it. Then we add the meat for stew, mix and brown. We add the cooked beans and mix. We add the tomato paste and water (instead of tomato puree, in my case) and the rest of the oil.
Season with salt and pepper and let it cook for about an hour. The beans must be tender.