How to cook Hummus ?
Hummus, made from chickpeas and sesame, and how to prepare it
Knowing the cuisine of a country also helps to know its people, its customs and habits. We discovered the delicacy and flavours of Turkish cuisine through many colourful dishes. Today it’s up to a delicious and very simple meze (appetizer): hummus, a chickpea-based cream that never fails on Turkish tables.
I’ll give you the simple and easy recipe so you can make it almost immediately.
The ingredients for making hummus
Here are the ingredients:
- 400 grams of canned chickpeas, drained and skinless
- a glass of tahini (sesame cream)
- Ki Group 65452 Rapunzel Tahini Sesame Cream, 250 gr
- 2 small cloves of garlic
- 80 ml of olive oil
- 1/2 glass of very cold water
- 3 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 5 gr of cumin
- salt, fresh parsley
- a few grains of sesame for the final touch
- optional, the famous pul beber (chilli)
How to prepare
We must start by blending the chickpeas very finely to obtain a puree. Ready the purée, add the tahini, olive oil and lemon juice. We mix to mix well. If the result seems too thick, you can add a little cold water.
Add the salt, cumin and chopped garlic, whisk for a few more moments. We must obtain a smooth preparation without lumps.
Now, our delicious hummus is ready. Put on a plate with a drizzle of olive oil, sprinkle it with fresh parsley or pul beber. It should be kept in the fridge before serving.